Explore Matt's perspectives on crucial issues like taxes, social matters, education, and the role of government. Discover Matt's commitment to responsible fiscal policies, the sanctity of life, educational excellence, and the need for limited government to ensure a prosperous future for all.

I believe we need a responsible tax system. We need to continue to ofind ways to spend less of the taxpayers money and be responsible for their dollars that we do spend. I will work to fund the government wisely and within budget and allow you to keep more of your hard earned money.
Social Issues
I was raised to value the greatest gift known to man – life. I am pro-life and fully support the current laws in Indiana post Roe. I believe in the science of biological birth and that should apply to all aspects of life especially in the world of women’s athletics. As the marijuana issue continues to take center stage, I am not in favor of recreational use but I am open to use in the medical world.
I consider the greatest thing we can give our children is a world class education. To that extent I support a system that rewards students and teachers based on achievement. I support more parental involvement in both choosing a school and influencing a school.
The Role of Government
The greatest crisis facing our country today is the mounting debt that we are leaving our children and grandchildren. We must live within our means. The government’s role has changed from a backstop to protect us and provide for us when in dire need, to where it will make decisions for us, direct the economy and provide for all our needs at the expense of the taxpayer. Government regulation is stifling entrepreneurs. I can only work on what Indiana can control but I am committed to limiting the role of government where it makes sense.